Monday, March 5, 2012

The Elections: Step 3, Protect the Voting Sites

As dawn broke four days before the Iraqi elections, Humvees from 3rd Platoon (Blue Platoon), Company B, 2nd Battalion, 63rd Armor (2-63 Armor), lined up in the pond-sized puddles of Forward Operating Base Scunion's "North 40," which is a large open patch of ground just inside the base's primary gate. The North 40 had been flooded by rain during the previous week, and soldiers stood in the mud, gulping eggs and bacon from Styrofoam dining facility take-out boxes while they waited for members of the Support Platoon to finish tying down loads on their trucks. The two Support Platoon palletized loading system trucks were hauling concrete Jersey barriers, spools of concertina wire and a …

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